Strategic opportunities are a group of testable solutions that MakerDAO is uniquely positioned to execute on, which can solve a core challenge or bottleneck, related to attracting, onboarding, and retaining technical talent.
Based on our research, Project X-Ray has developed 11 strategic opportunities to help the Maker Protocol ecosystem attract, onboard and retain developers. At a high level, they fall within the developer journey of *Talent pool channels, awareness, onboarding and retention.* Specifically, we believe that these opportunities are:
- Position MakerDAO outside of the crypto ecosystem through content and narrative, whilst preserving crypto values.
- Facilitate connections between new and existing developers, using Web3 as common ground.
- Educate devs outside the crypto ecosystem on the utility of blockchains and the compensation model of DAOs, using Web2 mental models.
- Leverage crypto compensation through transparency and education.
- Utilize Maker's technical excellence to bootstrap a vibrant developer community.
- Lower the barrier to interacting with Maker technical content and contribution.
- Reduce confusion and create contributor clarity through a focal point developer / contributor website.
- Create an all-encompassing educational hub for devs interested in the Maker Protocol.
- Support devs through hands-on support and personalized guidance.
- Create an innovative dev environment through facilitating ecosystem connections.